10 Excuses you need to stop giving yourself

While you spend time making excuses for your failures and all the things you have not achieved, other people use it to think of creative solutions to get out of inertia. How I've already talked around here Excuses can turn into a lot of self-destructive behavior.

+ Stop making excuses

People resort to them basically to cover up their fear of failure, of change, of facing responsibility, or of the uncertainty of achieving something greater and unknown. This is a terrible mistake you make in life, because all you are doing is basically practicing self-sabotage.

Making excuses is just a way to stop your personal progress and achievements. If you want to achieve great goals and not live in a mediocre way, stop making excuses. Focus on your goals and work hard to achieve them.

Start, starting today, by putting aside these excuses that I list below:

1. I have no luck

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Luck will not fall into your lap if you stand still, so you have to create the conditions for it to come to you. You have to be proactive, look for opportunities, and make them happen.

2. I am comfortable here, there is no reason to try anything else

Life is as unpredictable as a Quentin Tarantino movie: you never know what will come next in the next scenes. Comfort and stability can be your worst enemy because it keeps you from evolving and going after things. If you feel satisfied and fulfilled, it's because you're doing things you already know, you're not learning anything new, or you're not taking enough risks to conquer what you want.you want.

How can you feel happy and fulfilled if you spend your life repeating the same things day after day? Look for new challenges, do something outside your comfort zone, and feel alive.

3. I don't have time now

Learn once and for all, time is never in short supply, it is up to us to arrange it according to our needs. If you continue to use the excuse for the lack of it, you will learn to regret all the opportunities that passed before your eyes.

If a good chance has come along in your life, grab it with all your might, and your schedule will automatically adapt to execute it. The same opportunities almost never come along again, so you need to make the most of them when they do.

4. someone will already do it

This is an excuse that lazy people often give. Don't leave something for someone else to do later if you can do it your way now and get the most out of it.

We have all heard the saying, "If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself!" If you can take the lead in a situation, see something that needs to be done or created, don't wait for someone else to take your lead. Stop being apathetic and do what needs to be done.

5. I'll do it later

Procrastination is a terrible problem that many people get caught up in. By performing your activities only at the last minute, you force yourself to do things in a hurry, execute them without the same precision, suffer from a lack of planning, and tend to make many more mistakes.

By putting your tasks off until later, you are pushing your responsibilities to the last minute, and then it may be too late to perform them.

6. it's too late now

Regardless of your age, the bad experiences you have had, or how difficult the end goal is, it is never too late to go after what you want.

Maybe you are not yet at the level of preparation needed for the field you want to work in, but you can always go back to college, take a specialization or a preparatory course; overwhelmingly there is no age limit for enrollment.

Many people have no idea what they want to study at the moment and, as a result, prefer to be frustrated in their jobs rather than to improve their resumes and plan a medium or long term career turnaround.

7. it's not my fault

Stop blaming others for your problems and bad decisions. As you get older, it is increasingly important to realize that you need to take responsibility for yourself.

Maybe you had a bad education, did not have similar financial conditions and preparation as your competitors, but once they reach adulthood, the future is in their hands and nobody is going to pat them on the back and offer a 'helping hand' for their disadvantages.

No one else can be held responsible for your actions, except for you. The sooner you realize this, the better for you.

8. it is very difficult

Nothing worthwhile comes easy and out of the blue. Hard work breeds success and profitability. Stop underestimating your abilities, you are much more capable than you think you are.

If you stopped making excuses and started taking action, you will be surprised at your ability and potential.

9. now is not the right time

Time is your most precious and valuable resource. We all have the same amount of time during the day, but the way you choose to spend it is entirely up to you. If you know and have the resources to do it, now is the best time to realize your goals.

10. I am very afraid

Being afraid is important, but being held hostage to it paralyzes people and prevents them from reaching their full potential. You never know if you can succeed if you never try.

Stay with positive thoughts and actions (remember that life is what you make of it) and although life may knock you down many times, you are fully capable of overcoming adversity, learning from it, getting up and moving on.

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